And so after my adrenaline got used up and I felt more tired I managed to successfully go back to sleep. Then I ended up waking up at 2pm, feeling slightly more refreshed and having a more optimistic outlook on the world. And my fan was intact again. (there is still a horrible scar on the fan where it cant close properly but at least it works... and it grumbles and whines... but i can get used to it). So I was feeling more like that:
Which probably means happier and ready to tackle the mound of Econs notes lying somewhere on my bay window. Had lunch, did about 2 hours worth of econs while listening to the sound of rain and thunder on some website, listening to songs, getting distracted by the songs and the search for them that i end up devoting my time to Youtube and neglecting the econs notes, followed by hunger due to boredom, the search for elusive food items, facebooking and surfing the net, reading blogs, and spending an hour bathing. Then when I got bored of the above I went to make myself a nice cup of milo dinosaur, then sat myself down and did up this post :)
I feel so accomplished ^^
OH And btw, just as I pressed the publish post button, I realised that my internet had no internet access for what must be the 1999th time in 3 days. arghh! And it always stops working at horrible moments, like when I'm halfway through talking to someone on MSN and then i get so worried that the other person would be wondering why I suddenly went away without saying anything and would end up thinking I'm some sort of rude bitch. Or when I get this email that I've been waiting for the whole day and then I feel like cursing and smashing things because I can't see the freaking email and have to wait for goodness knows how long for my internet to start working again. WADESHIT I THINK IT'S PROTESTING AGAINST ME! Like, in the way that goes 'Livenia, go do your freaking work and stop bothering me! Let me rest in peace! ARGH You don't want to listen to me?! Fine, I'll stop working and then you'll get frustrated and some day you'll learn to leave me ALONE!' Urgh.
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