Heard this instrumental music, and just wrote down whatever came to my mind. Song by secret garden :)
The sun rises from the east
casting a golden glow on the world
dusting everything with a glimmering powder
Thunder rumbles in the distance
dark clouds roll away
the rain slows to a drizzle, then stops
A rabbit peeps out of its hole
a flower opens its petals
revealing its soft pink
I sit on the field alone
wet, drenched by the rain
the sunrays shine upon me
encircling me in its warm embrace
as it dries my wet hair
it dries my tears too
The first day of spring
a day of new beginnings
a day of hope
a day to forget about the past
and so forget i will
That view
of you, stepping away from me
back facing me as i reached out
unwilling to let you go
of you, disappearing into darkness
on that cold snowy night
of you, your face blurred
by the tears i cannot shed
Blurred your face would remain forever
as i lock these memories in my heart
and toss away the key
Let the guardians of the deep lake
keep it for me
and never shall i see it again
This chapter i shall close
and look forward to
a new life
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