Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tried to sleep last night but failed miserably so I finally got up at 3am to watch the lightning, which was, to say the least, magnificent. There were flashes of lightning practically every second, with the longest break being 2 seconds (I counted). Most were the normal flashing which, while nice, eventually got rather boring with just the clouds being lit up.

Once in a while, there were the really beautiful ones, those that involved a single streak growing upwards and branching out countless times to form a lightning tree that lasted a split second before it all faded away, as well as streaks that stretched far across the sky. And awed as I was, I tried to take photos of them, but armed with my 1-photo-per-10-seconds camera, it was obviously a case of utter failure. Every time a lightning tree appeared I was sure to miss it, even though I was clicking the button as often as I could. What I did manage, was to capture these photos, which are nice in their own right though no where near as grand as the really beautiful ones last night.

It ended at around 4.45am, and I went back to try sleeping again. This was the only time I was glad that I was not able to sleep. That is...until I woke up this morning to attempt studying for chem paper 3.

Which was quite ok fortunately =)

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