Sunday, June 13, 2010

Dear Heart..

Ohmytian don't know what the freak is wrong with me today!! My stupid heart is feeling so super wretched like its being wrenched out and torn into little pieces!! It feels like I'm missing something damn alot, feeling so empty hollow and emo freak.

Just now go Imperial Palace such a nice place to eat Peking duck and WADESHIT IN THE END DON'T FEEL LIKE EATING AT ALL!! LOOK SO NICE AND GLISTENING AND JUICY AND OMFREAK I JUST ATE ONE PIECE CANNOT EAT ALR! In the end I had this for lunch: 1 small bowl sharksfin dumpling soup + one tiny slice of duck. And I didn't even eat breakfast larhhh!!! Then I just felt like crawling home and curling up and dying. FML FML FML TTM MANZ.

Dear Heart,

Please get well soon. I know you feel horrid and lonely, but it is most certainly not my fault. Go crawl into a little hole and leave me alone. Stop making me suffer. You can come back once you're FULLY recovered. Thanks for your consideration.

Yours sincerely,
PS. I'm serious, stop ruining my life!

UPDATE: 12+ hours have passed, still no improvement. Haizzz omg sad life. Change approach:

Dear Heart,
I love you a lot. Please do not torture me anymore. I promise that if you stop hurting, I will treat you with kindness and love for the rest of your life. I will find you a companion. I'll make sure you get everything you want. I'll make sure you won't feel lonely. Please?
Livenia :'(

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