Thursday, March 18, 2010

Fairytale Princesses

Little girls want to be fairytale princesses. Maybe even not-so-little girls. It's just natural for them. Fairytale princesses are kind and gentle, loved by all the subjects and princes and animals of the land. Who wouldn't want to be a fairytale princess?

Let's examine why they should, or should not strive to become one of them.

1) A Princess tends to start her life as a sad unwanted soul, usually locked up in an ivory tower or sent to do housework day after day. She is tortured and lonely.

2) A Princess is usually seen as a fluffy headed girl with no thoughts of her own whatsoever. She is expected to be feminine and listen to her Prince Charming.

3) A Princess leads a boring life. At the start, she has to spend years pining for a loved one to rescue her. Once her loved one arrives, she has to stay in a castle with him and do boring stuff day after day, like attending balls and lounging around, looking pretty. There is no adventure for her.

4) Love is not expected to last long, especially love on first sight. Soon, she will become nothing more than an accessory to her Prince Charming. Then, what is to stop her Prince Charming from going on another adventure and saving yet another damsel in distress (after all, there are so many of them).


1) Though the start may be tortuous, at the end, she is always saved by a lovely handsome prince riding on a horse or some magical object, going through all odds and killing off all beasts. They end up with a happily ever after (perhaps).

2) She does not have to worry about food, shelter, or clothing. She lives in a beautiful palace or castle, with servants serving her and all the luxuries she could ever wish for. Milk baths with rose petals? Yes. A furry little exotic dog? Yes. Gowns made of sunshine rays, dewdrops and spidersilk? Yes!

3) Being a fluffy-headed lady, she would actually enjoy attending/ organizing balls and looking pretty. She would be happy and contented with her life (how many of you can say that you are satisfied with your life?)

4) She gets to be coddled and hugged and pampered by their loved one, usually a charismatic, dashing young man.

5) A Fairytale princess always prevails. And she doesn't even have to train for it. She worms her way into people's hearts and lets them fight for her, maybe even die. The evil being dies, and she survives. She then bats her eyelashes and expresses her hope that the evil being could have changed for the better.

Hmmm.. A lovely handsome prince? A life of luxuries? Balls? Prevailing without even trying? I think I wouldn't mind being a fairytale princess. Livenia the Princess. Now there's a nice ring to it!

[478 words]

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